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Your Body. Your Baby. Your Birth.
Module 1: Welcome
Welcome (1:37)
Why Lamaze? (3:58)
Why Birth Matters (2:08)
Unit Quiz
Module 2: Anatomy & Physiology of Pregnancy
Intro to Anatomy (1:34)
Anatomy Activity (12:51)
Weight Gain & Exercise (3:44)
Unit Quiz
Module 3: Building Your Birth Team
Importance of Choosing Your Care Provider (1:09)
Choosing A Care Provider Activity A (7:45)
Choosing A Care Provider Activity B (10:28)
Benefits of Doulas (6:27)
Should I Hire a Doula If...? (6:00)
A Well-Rounded Birth Team: Partners, Doulas & Nurses (6:48)
Unit Quiz
Module 4: Labor
Overview of Labor (4:52)
A Closer Look at Labor (9:12)
Phases of Labor (14:30)
When to Go To Your Place of Birth (6:38)
Unit Quiz
Module 5: Natural Comfort Measures
Why Natural Pain Relief? (6:12)
Natural Comfort Measure: Laboring Positions (11:07)
Natural Comfort Measure: Rebozo (6:56)
Natural Comfort Measure: Massage (5:51)
Natural Comfort Measure: Mindfulness (3:17)
Mindfulness Activity (6:32)
Unit Quiz
Module 6: Interventions & Informed Decision Making
Unit Introduction (1:00)
Medical Pain Management (5:43)
Epidurals (5:49)
Laboring Positions with an Epidural (4:26)
Inductions (8:11)
Informed Decision Making Intro (4:19)
Informed Decision Making Activity (11:13)
Unit Quiz
Module 7: Pushing, Placenta & The Golden Hour
Pushing (13:48)
Birth of the Placenta (5:17)
The Golden Hour (7:01)
Unit Quiz
Module 8: Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts & Tips for Labor (2:35)
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When to Go To Your Place of Birth
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